Sunday, September 5, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
始祖王朗--第1传 升霄---2传 李三剪 (李义春)--- 3传 王荣生 (王云生)
4 传 范旭东---5传 罗光玉--6传 郭子硕,
5传 罗光玉--6传 郭子硕---7传 郭华威(广州), 7传 黄钻明(广州),
7传 陈 执(广州)
7传 郭华威(广州),--------8传 钟伟航, ,
5 传 罗光玉----6传 林伯炎 (星加坡)
5传 罗光玉----6传 陈震仪 (香 港)---7传(香港)陆慧心
5传 罗光玉-----6传 黄锦洪 (马来西亚梹城)
6传 黄锦洪 (马来西亚梹城)-----7传 黄百忠, 许安慈,黄秀丽,王钦褔,巫石坚,洪清助,韩福丰,黄贵华,黄祥杰
5传 罗光玉-----6传 赵志民 (香 港)
6传 赵志民-----7传 屈盛松 (香 港)---8传 崔永成 (澳洲)
7传 新加坡陈国华
7传 菲律宾许伟鹏
7传 赵长伦(美国)-8传 黄子雨,Carl Albrigt,8传Raymond Fogg--9传 郑达志—Derrick Wright
7传 曾荣根 (香港)
7传 李锦荣 (香港)8传入室弟子香港---郭荣浩, 陈仕鸿, 余富强,
8 SUCCESSORS –(England)Derek Frearson, Malcolm J.Franklin
(Germany)Brunke Bast,(Germany)Nicolai schild
(Italy)Sergio Marzicchi , (Italy) Pierluigi Barbieri
(Hungary)Laszlo Kovacs (U.S.A.)Raul Ortiz,(U.S.A.)Brian Bateman
7传 陈新发 (香港)---8传 陈庆强
7傅 雷 明 (美国)—-8传yamel Torres
6传 黄汉勋---7傅 (香港)苏少明7傅 (香港)屈镇强7传 (香港)叶炯财
7传 (香港)丁瑞光7传 (香港)梁宜海7传 (香港)源汶湝7传 (美国)钟浩然
7傅 (加拿大) 郑龙川
7传 (美国) 黎达冲---8传 朱超然
7傅 (香港) 屈镇强---8传 廖强,陈泗, 张初环, 赵善耐, ,龚四海,
7傅 屈镇强-(嫡传)---8传 屈锦华,屈伟华
8传 张初环---------9传 黄荣发 , 胡其祥
5传 林景山(山东)—6传—胡永福,7传--李占元,--8传--刘崇禧,陈乐平,高兴亮
Wang Lang(王郎)The founder of Praying Mantis Boxing at the beginning of Qing Dynasty in China
Taoist priest named Sheng Xiao (升宵道人)
Li Zhijian (李三剪) (1810 – 光緒十七年)
Wang Yunsheng (王榮生) 生於(1854 – 1926)
Fan Xudong (范旭東) (1841 – 1935)
Luo Guangyu (羅光玉) (1888 – 1944)
He was invited as an ambassador for mantis boxing by the central committee of Shanghai Chinwoo and later was transferred to Hong Kong Chinwoo. He is a prominent figure in both the mantis boxing and Chinwoo history
Wong Kam Hong (黄锦洪) (1917 – 1991)
He migrated from Hong Kong to Penang. Having teaching in Penang Chinwoo for a while before founding his own Penang Tang Lang Martial Arts Association.
Yong Boon Toh (楊文道) (1917 – 1993)
He is my master. Being a coach in Malacca Chinwoo Athletic Association since 1960’s until his death in 1993. I joined Malacca Chinwoo in 1990.
Shervmen Loi (雷彬) (1973)
And finally me, who start practicing this form of wushu from 1991 onwards. Mr. Tan Soo Chong (陈書张) (1951), my senior brother who taught me on behalf of my master who already in his 70’s then
1. 十八 叟 拳 Shi Ba Shou Quan (Eighteen Folks Boxing)
2. 插 捶 拳 Cha Chui Quan (Thrusting Fist Boxing)
3. 崩 步 拳 Perng Pu Quan (Step Shooting Boxing)
4. 躲 剛 拳 Duo Gang Quan (Hidden Force Boxing)
5. 飛雁 掌 拳 Fei Yen Zhang Quan (Flying Goose Palm Boxing)
6. 梅 花 手 拳 Mei Hua Shou Quan (Plum Blossom Hand Boxing)
7. 梅 花 落 拳 Mei Hua Luo Quan (Plum Blossom Falling Boxing)
8. 梅 花 拳 Mei Hua Quan (Plum Blossom Boxing)
9. 大 架 式 拳 Da Jia Shi Quan (Major Form Boxing)
10. 小 架 式 拳 Xiao Jia Shi Quan (Minor Form Boxing)
11. 大 翻 車 拳 Da Fan Che Quan (Major Wheel Boxing)
12. 小 翻 車 拳 Xiao Fan Che Quan (Minor Wheel Boxing)
13. 四 路 奔 打 拳 Serz Lu Pern Da Quan (Four-Step Fight Boxing)
14. 四 路 分 打 拳 Serz Lu Fern Da Quan (Four-Step Split Boxing)
15. 力 劈 拳 Li Pi Quan (Strength Forcing Boxing)
16. 黑 虎 出 洞 拳 Hei Hu Zhu Dong Quan (Black Tiger Stepping Out Boxing)
17. 黑 虎 交 叉 拳 Hei Hu Jiao Zha Quan (Black Tiger Intersectional Boxing)
18. 白 猿 偷 桃 拳 Bai Yen Tou Dao Quan (White Ape Stealing Peaches Boxing)
19. 白 猿 出 洞 拳 Bai Yen Zhu Dong Quan (White Ape Stepping Out Boxing)
20. 柔 靈 拳 Rou Ling Quan
21. 攔 截 拳 Lan Jie Quan
始祖王朗--第1传 升霄---2传 李三剪 (李义春)--- 3传 王荣生 (王云生)
4 传 范旭东---5传 罗光玉--6传 郭子硕,
5传 罗光玉--6传 郭子硕---7传 郭华威(广州), 7传 黄钻明(广州),
7传 陈 执(广州)
7传 郭华威(广州),--------8传 钟伟航, ,
5 传 罗光玉----6传 林伯炎 (星加坡)
5传 罗光玉----6传 陈震仪 (香 港)---7传(香港)陆慧心
5传 罗光玉-----6传 黄锦洪 (马来西亚梹城)
6传 黄锦洪 (马来西亚梹城)-----7传 黄百忠, 许安慈,黄秀丽,王钦褔,巫石坚,洪清助,韩福丰,黄贵华,黄祥杰
5传 罗光玉-----6传 赵志民 (香 港)
6传 赵志民-----7传 屈盛松 (香 港)---8传 崔永成 (澳洲)
7传 新加坡陈国华
7传 菲律宾许伟鹏
7传 赵长伦(美国)-8传 黄子雨,Carl Albrigt,8传Raymond Fogg--9传 郑达志—Derrick Wright
7传 曾荣根 (香港)
7传 李锦荣 (香港)8传入室弟子香港---郭荣浩, 陈仕鸿, 余富强,
8 SUCCESSORS –(England)Derek Frearson, Malcolm J.Franklin
(Germany)Brunke Bast,(Germany)Nicolai schild
(Italy)Sergio Marzicchi , (Italy) Pierluigi Barbieri
(Hungary)Laszlo Kovacs (U.S.A.)Raul Ortiz,(U.S.A.)Brian Bateman
7传 陈新发 (香港)---8传 陈庆强
7傅 雷 明 (美国)—-8传yamel Torres
6传 黄汉勋---7傅 (香港)苏少明7傅 (香港)屈镇强7传 (香港)叶炯财
7传 (香港)丁瑞光7传 (香港)梁宜海7传 (香港)源汶湝7传 (美国)钟浩然
7傅 (加拿大) 郑龙川
7传 (美国) 黎达冲---8传 朱超然
7傅 (香港) 屈镇强---8传 廖强,陈泗, 张初环, 赵善耐, ,龚四海,
7傅 屈镇强-(嫡传)---8传 屈锦华,屈伟华
8传 张初环---------9传 黄荣发 , 胡其祥
5传 林景山(山东)—6传—胡永福,7传--李占元,--8传--刘崇禧,陈乐平,高兴亮
Wang Lang(王郎)The founder of Praying Mantis Boxing at the beginning of Qing Dynasty in China
Taoist priest named Sheng Xiao (升宵道人)
Li Zhijian (李三剪) (1810 – 光緒十七年)
Wang Yunsheng (王榮生) 生於(1854 – 1926)
Fan Xudong (范旭東) (1841 – 1935)
Luo Guangyu (羅光玉) (1888 – 1944)
He was invited as an ambassador for mantis boxing by the central committee of Shanghai Chinwoo and later was transferred to Hong Kong Chinwoo. He is a prominent figure in both the mantis boxing and Chinwoo history
Wong Kam Hong (黄锦洪) (1917 – 1991)
He migrated from Hong Kong to Penang. Having teaching in Penang Chinwoo for a while before founding his own Penang Tang Lang Martial Arts Association.
Yong Boon Toh (楊文道) (1917 – 1993)
He is my master. Being a coach in Malacca Chinwoo Athletic Association since 1960’s until his death in 1993. I joined Malacca Chinwoo in 1990.
Shervmen Loi (雷彬) (1973)
And finally me, who start practicing this form of wushu from 1991 onwards. Mr. Tan Soo Chong (陈書张) (1951), my senior brother who taught me on behalf of my master who already in his 70’s then
1. 十八 叟 拳 Shi Ba Shou Quan (Eighteen Folks Boxing)
2. 插 捶 拳 Cha Chui Quan (Thrusting Fist Boxing)
3. 崩 步 拳 Perng Pu Quan (Step Shooting Boxing)
4. 躲 剛 拳 Duo Gang Quan (Hidden Force Boxing)
5. 飛雁 掌 拳 Fei Yen Zhang Quan (Flying Goose Palm Boxing)
6. 梅 花 手 拳 Mei Hua Shou Quan (Plum Blossom Hand Boxing)
7. 梅 花 落 拳 Mei Hua Luo Quan (Plum Blossom Falling Boxing)
8. 梅 花 拳 Mei Hua Quan (Plum Blossom Boxing)
9. 大 架 式 拳 Da Jia Shi Quan (Major Form Boxing)
10. 小 架 式 拳 Xiao Jia Shi Quan (Minor Form Boxing)
11. 大 翻 車 拳 Da Fan Che Quan (Major Wheel Boxing)
12. 小 翻 車 拳 Xiao Fan Che Quan (Minor Wheel Boxing)
13. 四 路 奔 打 拳 Serz Lu Pern Da Quan (Four-Step Fight Boxing)
14. 四 路 分 打 拳 Serz Lu Fern Da Quan (Four-Step Split Boxing)
15. 力 劈 拳 Li Pi Quan (Strength Forcing Boxing)
16. 黑 虎 出 洞 拳 Hei Hu Zhu Dong Quan (Black Tiger Stepping Out Boxing)
17. 黑 虎 交 叉 拳 Hei Hu Jiao Zha Quan (Black Tiger Intersectional Boxing)
18. 白 猿 偷 桃 拳 Bai Yen Tou Dao Quan (White Ape Stealing Peaches Boxing)
19. 白 猿 出 洞 拳 Bai Yen Zhu Dong Quan (White Ape Stepping Out Boxing)
20. 柔 靈 拳 Rou Ling Quan
21. 攔 截 拳 Lan Jie Quan
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Grandmaster Luo Guang Yu, 1888 - 1944

The Malaccan Seven Stars Mantis Boxing belongs to Luo Guang Yu lineage.
The name SEVEN STARS of Seven Stars Mantis Boxing
The seven stars (Qi = Seven, Xing = Star), of the name Qixing Tanglang are another defining quality of the system. The name is taken from the Northern Hemisphere constellation known in China simply as Qixing or Seven Stars.
The constellation plays many roles in Chinese mythology and religion and is a theme commonly found throughout Chinese martial tradition, both as a name of boxing systems and as a symbol in the emblem of various sects. The Qixing mark is often found impressed upon the blades and handles of Chinese weapons and is prominent in both Buddhist and Daoist iconography.
In Chinese Boxing, the Seven Stars are generally a symbolic representation of seven principles, seven methods, seven techniques or seven components. In the case of Qixing Tanglang Quan, the Qixing represents the harmony and cohesion of the seven major body components: Head, Shoulder, Elbow, Fist, Hip, Knee and Foot, during the execution of Seven Star Mantis Boxing techniques.
The basic idea is that the components of the body and all that lies in between must be correctly linked or coordinated to effectively transmit Qixing Tanglang's characteristic power. A good Qixing boxer must strive to harmonise the Qixing. This Seven Star theory was originally inherited from Qixing Quan, a Shaolin family boxing system, and is absent from the theory of the other major schools of Tanglang.
In general Qixing Tanglang appears more athletic and therefore perhaps in layman's terms more 'external' in nature with its deep stances, distant stepping, sudden long-range leaps and charges and wide, smashing blows. This is not to say that the sister sects of Qixing are lacking in power or combat effectiveness, they are merely different in some aspects and in fact, identical in others. Overall, the similarities between the various branches of the Mantis Boxing family greatly outweigh the differences; it is common knowledge in martial circles that all forms of Tanglang Quan are superior. The unique characteristics and subtle differences distinguishing the various branches are not enough to divorce them from one another but are certainly valuable enough to preserve as treasures of the art.
The constellation plays many roles in Chinese mythology and religion and is a theme commonly found throughout Chinese martial tradition, both as a name of boxing systems and as a symbol in the emblem of various sects. The Qixing mark is often found impressed upon the blades and handles of Chinese weapons and is prominent in both Buddhist and Daoist iconography.
In Chinese Boxing, the Seven Stars are generally a symbolic representation of seven principles, seven methods, seven techniques or seven components. In the case of Qixing Tanglang Quan, the Qixing represents the harmony and cohesion of the seven major body components: Head, Shoulder, Elbow, Fist, Hip, Knee and Foot, during the execution of Seven Star Mantis Boxing techniques.
The basic idea is that the components of the body and all that lies in between must be correctly linked or coordinated to effectively transmit Qixing Tanglang's characteristic power. A good Qixing boxer must strive to harmonise the Qixing. This Seven Star theory was originally inherited from Qixing Quan, a Shaolin family boxing system, and is absent from the theory of the other major schools of Tanglang.
In general Qixing Tanglang appears more athletic and therefore perhaps in layman's terms more 'external' in nature with its deep stances, distant stepping, sudden long-range leaps and charges and wide, smashing blows. This is not to say that the sister sects of Qixing are lacking in power or combat effectiveness, they are merely different in some aspects and in fact, identical in others. Overall, the similarities between the various branches of the Mantis Boxing family greatly outweigh the differences; it is common knowledge in martial circles that all forms of Tanglang Quan are superior. The unique characteristics and subtle differences distinguishing the various branches are not enough to divorce them from one another but are certainly valuable enough to preserve as treasures of the art.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Technique Application 10
Refering to the diagram above, B attacks A with a bottle. A blocks it with his right hand. Then hooking B's right wrist with the same blocking hand and pulling it downward like being shown in diagram 2. Such action leaves B's upper part expose to A assault. A lays his hand forward and pushing towards B's neck. This would cause B loses his body balance with A's left leg behind B's right.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Technique Application 9 - Bottle Assault
Refering to the illustration above: B tries to hit A's head with an empty glass bottle. A stops B's attempt with a left hand up-blocking move. Immediately, A's left blocking hand should mantis-hook(catch) B's right hand at the wrist. At the same time A take a step forward on his left leg towards the outer side of B's right leg. Once B's wrist is being hooked, A pushing it forward to the left. While A's right hand reach unto B's bent elbow and further pushing effort applies here in a slanting downward manner this time to cause B losing his gravitational balance.
Video - Perng Pu Quan
The traditional Taolu that I performed in the video above is the 1930's version of Seven Stars Mantis Boxing which was propagated by late Grandmaster Luo Guang Yu.
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